1.   The name of the Organisation is “Fife Women in Business”.

2.  The business address of the Organisation is as the Administrator.

3.  The Objects for which the Organisation is established are: –

(a)     To provide a forum for discussion and development which is apolitical and non-denominational

(b)     To enable businesswomen to share and increase knowledge, skills and experience

(c)     To promote a business network among women who are in a position of decision making within their business or organisation

(d)       To encourage members’ advancement into managerial and executive positions

(e)     To exert influence in a professional manner in business circles and, thereby, to promote the advancement of women

4.  Membership of the Organisation shall be open to: –

(i)         Women in business in their own right

(ii)        Women pursuing a career in commerce, industry or the professions

(iii)       Women holding a decision-making role in management

(iv)       Organisations employing women in categories (ii) or (iii).

Payment of subscription at corporate rate allows up to five named female members of an organisation to attend meetings. Mailings and syllabus entry to be one address within an organisation.

All membership applications shall be circulated to all members.  Any objections should be notified to the Minute Secretary within 14 days.  Applications for membership shall be entitled to membership privileges following payment of appropriate fees.

Members shall be required to attend a minimum of three business meetings each year.

Upon retirement from business, or redundancy, members shall have the option to remain as associate members for a period of five years without full voting rights.

5.  The Office Bearers and Committee of the Organisation shall be as follows: –

(a)     President

(b)     Vice President

(c)      Immediate Past President

(d)     Treasurer

(e)      Minute Secretary

(f)       Minimum of three and maximum of six Committee members

6.  The affairs of the Organisation shall be managed by the Committee, which shall delegate any parts of its duties with such powers as necessary to one or more members.

The Committee, on behalf of the members, shall have the discretion to deal with the following: –

(a)     The income and property both heritable and moveable of the Organisation; and

(b)    If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Organisation and after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property or funds shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the members of the Organisation, but shall be given or transferred to some other similar Organisation, Group or Society which failing, to some charitable institution to be determined by the members on or before the date of dissolution. No such special resolution, winding up or dissolving the Organisation shall be passed unless carried by two thirds of the membership.

7.  The Office Bearers and Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Organisation. The President and Vice President shall serve for up to two years, but can serve for further years if agreed by the whole committee.  The Treasurer and Minute Secretary shall serve for a period of two years but if deemed necessary for a maximum period of no more than six years and shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of two years other than being elected to the position of Office Bearer. The Committee members shall serve for a period of two years and shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of two years, other than being elected to the position of Office Bearer.

Committee members shall be required to attend a minimum of three or 50% of committee meetings, whichever is the greater number each year.

8.   The Committee shall be entitled to co-opt members to fill casual vacancies in the Committee until the following Annual General Meeting.

9.   The members shall pay the individual, corporate or associate subscription as fixed by the Organisation at the Annual General Meeting. Notification of any proposed alteration must be made in writing at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting. Payment of the subscription entitles the member in the first year of membership to membership of the Organisation for one calendar year from the date of the initial application. After the first year of membership the subscription is due on the anniversary of the initial application and if not paid within one month of the said anniversary, the membership shall lapse.

10.   A member shall be expelled for any conduct deemed detrimental to the good name of the Organisation by a two thirds majority of voting members present at a Special General Meeting, subject always to the right of such member to appeal to the Committee.

11.   The Annual General Meeting shall (except in exceptional circumstances of which the Committee shall be the judge) be held in the month following the end of the Organisation’s membership year. Correct books of accounts shall be kept showing the financial affairs of the Organisation. Accounts shall be prepared annually as at the 30th April.

Two of the following three Office Bearers are eligible as signatories for banking/cheque facilities: –


Vice President


12.  A Special General Meeting shall be called either at the discretion of the Committee or within 14 days of the receipt by the Minute Secretary of a request signed by 25% of the members stating the reason for such a meeting.  The agenda for an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting will be intimated to members at least 14 days prior to the meeting.

13.  A Quorum for the Annual General Meeting and any other Special General Meeting shall be 25% of the membership and for a Committee meeting shall be five.

14.  Each individual member may vote personally or by proxy.  A named proxy has to be intimated to the Minute Secretary seven days prior to the meeting.  Each named member of corporate organisations shall have one vote provided the named member has attended 50% of meetings held in previous 12 months, notwithstanding the corporate organisation shall have a minimum of one vote.  No member shall be entitled to vote at any meeting unless all monies due have been paid to the Organisation.

15. Every member of the Organisation shall during the period of the membership be  issued with a copy of the Programme, Membership List and the current Constitution.

16.  No member shall have any claim against the Organisation in respect of any loss, injury or damage whatsoever either caused by or arising from the use of any Organisation property or item, or sustained during any meeting or other activity or function organised by or on behalf of the Organisation.

17.  This Constitution may be altered or added to only if the alteration or addition has been approved by 51% of those present and voting at a Special General Meeting.

18. The title to any and all heritable subjects acquired by the Organisation shall he taken in the names of the President, Minute Secretary and Treasurer for the time being and their successors in said offices as Trustees for the said Organisation.  All deeds, writs and documentation bearing to deal with heritable property shall be executed by the President, Minute Secretary and Treasurer.